So far, i have give some third party websites to track ip address of victim. Today we are going to create our own website or webpage to track victim IP address. I have written this PHP code for you.
Let me explain in two different methods
Method 1:
Log ip and redirect to some other interesting webpage(like "cute kittens pictures" page) or trusted page (like "facebook" page).
Method 2:
Log the ip and remains in same page( without redirection). I think "you won't select this method.
In this post , i will explain the method 1.
- Any free hosting site and basic knowledge about file uploading to hosting.
- url shortening sites account like,[optional]
Method 1-IP log php code:
Step 1:Create account in any free web hosting service.
Step 2:
Open notepad++ or notepad (if you have notepadd++, it will better to edit).
Paste the following code:
fwrite($f,"IP Address:".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n");
fwrite($f,"User Agemt:".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']."\n");
fwrite($f,"Host Name:".php_uname('n')."\n");
fwrite($f,"Operating System:".php_uname('v')."(".php_uname('s').")"."\n");
//provided by
fwrite($f,"IP Address:".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n");
fwrite($f,"User Agemt:".$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']."\n");
fwrite($f,"Host Name:".php_uname('n')."\n");
fwrite($f,"Operating System:".php_uname('v')."(".php_uname('s').")"."\n");
//provided by
and save it as index.php
Code Explanation:
If you don't want to know how it is logging the IP, you can skip to the step 3.
header("Location:index1.php"); this will redirect to index1.php page.
You can specify any other location instead. For example, if you want to redirect to ,then change the code as
$f=fopen($file,'a'); opens the file iplog.txt in append mode( add the contents at the end of file)and store the pointer in variable f.
fwrite($f,string) will write the string into the file(iplog.txt) for example, if the string is "hello", it will be stored inside iplog.txt file.
so fwrite($f,"-------------------------"."\n"); will insert ----------- inside the iplog.txt
fwrite($f,"IP Address:".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."\n");
here $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] is build function ,returns IP address(if you run locally in your pc using wamp/xampp, it will return So after ---------- lines, the "Ip address:" will be append.
Now the iplog.txt file contains:
--------------------$_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] returns the current user agent used by victim. It will contains information about the browser details(mozilla 3.6,ie),operating system(xp,linux).
IP Address:
php_uname('n') returns the Host name . Now the iplog.txt contains
IP Address:
User Agent: Mozilla (linux) (ubuntu 11.10) Mozilla3.6
fclose($f); will close the opened file.
Step 3:
Open notepad and save the file as "iplog.txt"
Step 4:
again open the notepad and create your own php or html page. It should be some interesting contents(download any website templates,rename the index.html file to index1.html).
Example 1(html):

Example 2(php):

Step 5:
Now you have 3 files namely index.php,index1.php,iplog.txt.
Upload these files to your hosting.
File uploaded to hosting account |
Set file permission for iplog.txt |
Step 4:
Check whether it is working or not by visiting the your hosting sub domain account.
For example:
if you enter the url, it will redirect from index.php to index1.php.
Now open the iplog.txt. There you can see the logged information.
Step 5:
Send to your friend or victim with attractive mail content and title. At the end, ask him to visit the link to know more about the info.
Redirected to index1.php |
Logged Details ,stored in iplog.txt file |
Once he visit the link, his IP address is in your hands.
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